Remembrance Message For My Late Dad

Remembrance Message For My Late Dad

You are the biggest inspiration and support I ever had. You will always be my best friend. I miss you so much, dad.

I wish you didn’t leave us this soon; nothing feels the same when you are not around, dad. I love you, and I miss you.

Dad, you were the hero of my life. I am very much lonely without you. I miss you very much, dad. My prayers are always with you.

My lovely dad, I miss you so much. You will forever remain in my heart. I still try to find you. I don’t know where you are. Rest in peace dad.

Remembrance Quotes For Dad

You left a legacy and lots of memories for us. Our hearts ache for you dear dad. Hope you are having a great time in heaven.

I know we all will die one day. But I never thought you would go like this. I still miss you dad. I love you. My prayer is always with you.

Losing you was something I could not cope with. I hope you are fine wherever you are. Always stay close to my heart dad.

The man of my family is in heaven for years but still, I miss him like nothing else. Dad, I hope you are always smiling up there.

It is said that prayer is the best weapon. I am praying for you dad. May you shine in heaven as you used to do here. We miss you so much every moment.

Today is your father’s death anniversary. I know you are in pain. But friend, everyone has to die. So be strong and carry out your responsibility for your family.

You are the first person I want to tell when something happens in my life. You not being around will always sting. Love you, dad.

Father Remembrance Quotes

It’s so hard not to have my best friend around. You taught me so much about life, dad. Love you the most.

No matter what happens, you will always live in my heart. Miss you, dad.

Every day I remember you in my prayer, in my thoughts. Your memory can never be forgotten. I love you so much, dad. I miss you.

I wish I could have spent more time with you. I feel so alone without you. Miss you so much, dad.

There is no doubt that you were the most reliable father any son could wish for. On your death anniversary, I’m thanking you for everything as I can’t thank you enough when you were alive.

My dad taught me how to believe in myself. He was my best friend and my idol too. Miss you so much, dad.

You are the only person that made me feel better when I was down. Miss you so much, dad.

Through thick and thin, you were always there to guide and protect me. You were my strength and inspiration in every need. Now, the time has changed and I have nothing but your memories. Rest in peace dad.

You were the person who always showed me what’s right and wrong. It’s so hard to accept that you are gone. Miss you the most.

Remembering Father In Heaven

My dear dad, the day I lost you, I lost everything in my life. I am still messed up without you. You will always be in my heart, dad.

Nothing feels the same without you, dad. I miss you so much.

I don’t know how it has been a year since you left, dad. The pain of losing you keeps on increasing day by day. Rest in peace.

I will never forget about you. It’s been a year, and the fact you are not here still aches. Miss you, dad.

It’s been a year, and I’m still not used to you not being here. The pain of you being here still stings. I wish you were here.

A year now, and I miss you more every day. Rest in peace, dad.

There isn’t a day this year that went by that we don’t wish you were back.

I am so lost without you, dad. I wish you were here. Love you and miss you so much, dad.

Dear Dad, you have given me the greatest gift before leaving this world. You believed in your son. I miss you my old man.

Dad, you used to tell me that boys never cry. I don’t cry in front of people. But when I am alone, I can’t stop myself. I miss you dad.

Without you, every single breath I take in this world seems like a great burden. But I am trying to live for you dad. Your son is working hard to make you proud.

You were the guy who taught me how to walk but sadly I couldn’t walk a long way with you by my side. But your love and words of wisdom will stay with me forever. Love you dad.

My father’s love triumphs over his death and he will be always with me in my memory and my work.

Remembering My Father In Heaven

You were the best father in the world and I’m the worst son. Sorry for taking you for granted all the time also for the fights and arguments. I knew you were right. Missing you a lot on your death anniversary.

It’s your hard work and good parenting that have made me the person I am today. Now, I’m trying to fulfill the dreams that you have passed on to me. But alas, you are no longer here to see my progress. Thinking of you, papa!

One of my greatest regrets is losing you so early. My children could not have the chance to know their grandfather. Dad, you are in my heart and prayers every moment. I miss you.

Dear dad, I have realized your value and your pain after you left us. As a son, I am taking care of our family. But I can’t be like you at all. I miss you dad.

Dad, I want to be the good son. And you were my teacher. You left us too early. I am lost and upset very much without you. I love you dad.

Dad, nothing will be able to feel in the void that you left in our lives. We all miss you so much.

This day will always sting but your memory will always be with your little girl who is not little anymore. I wish you were here, daddy.

I am what I am only for your good parenting and hard work. You were the best dad one could have, and I am very proud of being your daughter. I miss you so much dad.

I believe my dad’s guiding hand will remain on my shoulder forever even though he left this world a long time ago. Love you Daddy.

Through thick and thin, you supported your children and left an undying legacy for us. On your death anniversary, we remember your love and thank you for being there for us always.

I never thought that losing you would make me feel so blue. Without you, living becomes a burden and it never gets easy. Why I have to live on just in your loving memories? My heart misses you, daddy.

Daddy, your little girl has grown up now. But you are not here to see her. I miss you very much, daddy. I hope you are fine wherever you are.

You are always here with me even if I don’t get to see or hug you. I can feel your presence in every single breath. No matter how many decades or centuries to go by, you will be here in my heart forever. I love you dad!

A daughter’s biggest nightmare is losing her dad. I have lost mine. And I’m in such pain that no one can feel. I miss you dad.

People say time heals every pain. But I am still in pain. How can I replace your love, your care? I miss you, dad. Your girl misses you so much.

You were the person who understood me easily. You were the only person who used to show me right and wrong. Now I am lost. Because you are not here to show your daughter the right path. Miss you daddy.

Today is your death anniversary and I pray to God for your happiness up there. Rest in peace dear father.

I pray to God every day and night to grant you the best place in heaven. I pray that God is good and bless your soul with peace. Remembering you with love today daddy!

I want nothing but God to accept my prayers; my prayers to forgive my dad and give him a beautiful place in heaven. Love you so much daddy.

I hope my prayers will reach to God and convince him to give you a wonderful place in heaven. May God bless the soul of my dear dad.

Oh God! Please hold my Dad in your loving arms and let him rest in peace in your beautiful heaven. Also, let him know that his son/daughter always keeps him in his/her prayers. Please God let my dad sleep in your loving arms.

I pray to God for you every single day and every single night. May God grant eternal peace to your soul to live happily in his divine paradise. On this day missing you so much!

My respectable father, I pray to God that may he keep you happy as you used to be. Today on your death anniversary, I’m praying for your peace and comfort.

I pray to God that may He bless you. I hope that you are very well in heaven. We miss you father. It’s been years since you are not with us anymore. Each of us missing you so much!

I believe that God is listening and watching me. I am sending a lot of prayers for you on this day. God will surely accept my prayers. Rest in peace dad.


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