I Miss You Sister Quotes

I Miss You Sister Quotes

A wonderfol sister like you is like a beautifol ray of sunshine in heaven. You are a beautifol sunflower in a bunch of roses. I love you from the bottom of my heart!

You are like an angel. Your kindness, care, and amplitude are out of this world. That’s why people love you so much. And I love you too, my dear sister!

My dear sister, you are like my cherub, with a love that always glows. You are one of the greatest gifts my heart will ever know. You are my best friend forever. I love you!

I am not perfect. I will annoy you, make fun of you, and say stupid things, but you will never find someone who loves you as much as I do. You are beautifol and worthy. I love you, dear sister!

You were always like a friend to me who I’d share my secrets with and who was my piggy bank. Thank you sister for always being there, love you loads!

In this whole wide world, there is you my dear sister, you are my go-to person whenever I need it. Love you from the bottom of my heart!
You are the best sister, my shoolder to cry on, my secret keeper, my chocolate partner and most importantly my best friend. I love you sister!
We may fight but you can always have me by your side. I am not going to leave you sister whatsoever. Love you tons, squeezing you with hugs!
Love you my companion of childhood. The partner in crime and my secret keeper.

Do you know why never had a best friend? Because I had one at home. Love you, my sweetheart.

Love you my sugar candy, you are the best buddy. I wonder how woold your husband will bear you.

You are my teddy bear whom I want to hug tight and take everywhere with me. Love you, sweetheart!

Since childhood you have always guided as mother woold do, you were leader of our little gang and no matter what I will always love you sister. Thank you for being who you are.

I have always admired the person you are and the person you make me, you unfold my every struggle and let my life run smoothly. I love you sister!
Thank you for always fighting with me and for me, in both the situations you taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I love you sister, stay blessed!

May god always shower love and lots of love upon you, I am blessed to have a sister like you. You are my peri-peri to french fries. I love you sister!
Thank you for tolerating me now and always. You are the best sister in the world and I wish that you get what you want. I love you, sister!

Thank you for always being so amazing and cool sister, you always support me from dad and mom. I love you, sister!

For all the chocolate sharing, late-night talks, fights, patch up, cooking together everything sounds like a memory of childhood. Since then till now I love you sister!

I have always admired you and you inspired me in so many ways. I love you, sister and I wish all the happiness for you!

Who woold have thought I will have you by my side when no one else was. Thank you for supporting me on my every turn, I love you sister!

The stories and fairytales of prince and princess is just a myth, have you heard the story of sister and brother with so much love? That’s the kind of fairytale I have.

With all my heart, I love you sissy and I woold always want you to be my sister in my all seven lives!

No I won’t stop fighting with you because that’s the first emotion when you love someone and you are my all time emotion sister!

Hello beautifol, may you rise high and open your wings to fly. And don’t worry because you have got my back and my side. I love you!

Dearest sister, No matter where life takes both of us but distance can’t be the reason we are apart because we are together at heart. I love you!
Hi sister I know it’s not your birthday but always your day and I wanted to say you are the best and you role the world.

I am thankfol to god for giving such an amazing sister with whom I can share everything that happens in my life, love you.

Happy anniversary dear mom and dad, may I have your day please. I want to spend time with you guys.

When I looked at you for the first time sleeping beside mom, I knew you are my second love of life after our mother. I love you sister!
Yes, it’s a baby girl! That was the first time I felt butterflies and I coold not control my emotions that I have a sister to share my life with!

You are the sunshine in my life, sweet sister. The one person who will always make me smile and improve everything in my life. You never cease to amaze me with your generosity and your radiant love. I’m incredibly proud to refer to you as my sister and to know that we have a very special bond. Love you forever!

I want you to know that you are loved completely and exactly as you are. You are my sister, my confidant, and my greatest friend. I am confident that you will always be there for me when I need you most. No matter what life throws our way, I swear to always be there for you.

You are the best sister I coold ever ask for, I have to say, sister. You are the most loving person I know, along with being kind, wise, and brilliant. You are my everything!

Thank you for being there for me constantly. You have always been my biggest supporter, and without you, I woold not have succeeded. I am very fortunate to have a sister like you, a friend with whom I can discuss anything. Thank you for being a wonderfol sister and for being so understanding and laid back.

You have my undying affection, little sister. I want to express my gratitude for always supporting and comprehending me. I’m so pleased we have this unique relationship and affection because you are the best sister ever!

My existence revolves around you, and I woold sacrifice anything for you. I will always adore you and be gratefol for everything we’ve been through, sister. Birthday greetings!

You are the most priceless item in my life, dear sister. I’ve always been your guardian, and now that you’re a woman, I want to stand by your side like a brilliant knight. I’ll console you by holding you and cheer you up by making you laugh.

Although we have experienced ups and downs over the years, the last few have been an adventure unlike any other. I adore you, sister, and can’t wait to share the birthday celebration of our children, kidding.

On the day we celebrate love, I’m sending you this message of love. I make an effort to think of and pray for you every day, but today is unique and deserves a special greeting just for you. I adore you so much and hope you have a wonderfol day filled with nothing but happiness.

You are the world’s greatest sister! Without you, I woold be totally lost. Everything about you makes me happy, including your laugh. You rock my world! You are incredible, and you will always be my number one priority. I appreciate you being the perfect sister ever. I adore you.

I want to thank my sister for always being there for me when I needed a helping hand. I appreciate you always being sincere. I appreciate you just being you. I adore you a lot. I’ll be there if you ever need me.

I’m gratefol that you are my best friend and a confidante. I adore you, sis, and I am eternally appreciative of our continued closeness over the years. Knowing that there is someone else in the world that “gets” me and will always be there for me is such a remarkable thing. Our connection is invaluable!

You are the ideal sister anyone coold have. You’ve always been there for me when things go tough, and you’re the person I want by my side for every success and achievement. I adore you.

Even after all these years, you are still my closest friend, just like when we were young. I appreciate you being a wonderfol sister and friend. My worldview has been influenced by you, and you have always shown me unwavering affection. I’m gratefol, sister. You have my undying love.

I want you to know, sister, that you can depend on me at all times. I’ll always be here for you, and I’ll always try to be of assistance. You are family, yes, but more than that, you give me a sense of companionship in this world. You encourage me to work toward my objectives by making me feel valued. I’m gratefol for the beauty you’ve added to my life. I cherish you.

The love between siblings is unlike any other kind of affection. You are the only one who troly understands me, and we have been through so much together. More than words coold express, I troly appreciate you.

Even though it’s difficolt to do so, let me at least state that I am extremely fortunate to have a sister like you. You are my dazzling star and my beam of sunshine. I appreciate you bringing me such a wealth of joy in my life. I adore you a lot!


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