I Miss You Dad Quotes

I Miss You Dad Quotes

1. Dad, even though it pains me, I think about you every day. I’d give anything to relive those fond memories again. Miss you very much!

2. I never knew that being fatherless would make me feel so aimless, worthless, defenseless, and helpless. I miss you, dad.

3. It hurts to think that you are not here anymore. I smile, but there are tears in my eyes when remembering you. When you were alive, I didn’t think how important each memory of you would be. Now, I cherish every second spent together. I miss you, dad.

4. I still get a lot of hugs, but none of them are as warm as yours. I miss you, dad.

5. It’s hard to wake up every morning knowing that you are not with us anymore. Our world is incomplete without you. I miss you so much, dad!

6. Dad, I could really do with one of your hugs right now. I miss you so much. Sending my love, your daughter.

7. Every time I place flowers on your grave, I realize how fragile life is, and that you should live it to the fullest. I miss you, dad.

8. Just one last time, I wish I could hug you. Then I would hold you tight and never let go. I miss you, dad.

9. Dad, you taught me to be strong. I’m sorry, but it feels like I’m letting you down. I don’t know if I will ever be strong enough to accept that you are no longer here. I miss you.

10. Death thinks it has taken you away from me. But it doesn’t know that it has actually brought us closer than ever. I miss you, dad.

11. Dad, how ironic it is that I wasted all these years not listening to you. But now that you’re not here, I’m living life exactly how you told me to.

12. Every Father’s Day is a painful reminder of your absence from my life. Dad, I wish I could just turn back time and live out every single day of my childhood as if it were a grand Father’s Day celebration. I miss you

13. We may have been living miles apart but somehow it always felt that you were always there. Maybe because ever since you held my tiny fingers, you showered me with nothing but love and care. Dad, I miss you.

14. This is the price you pay for having a great father. You get the wonder, the joy, the tender moments – and you get the tears at the end, too.

15. My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could ever hand another person. He believed in me. I will always keep that in my heart.

16. Your death will always remain a blurry memory. But your life will always be a vivid one, the epitome of greatness and sacrifice. I miss you, dad.

17. On the day I lost you, I lost a father, a friend, and an idol who I looked up to. I miss you, dad.

18. It didn’t matter whether we met often or not, al that matters now is that your advice helped me connect my life’s dots. Even though we didn’t speak every day, what’s important is that you loved me a lot, and I will remember that always. Dad, I miss you.

19. Death may have taken you away from me, but my life’s hero you’ll forever be. Miss you dad.

20. Just like how I was the apple of your eye, you were the balm to my soul. I miss you, dad.

Death Miss You Dad Quotes

21. Dad, even though you are not in front of my eyes right now, I can still see your picture. It’s in my heart, where it will remain beautifully pristine forever. I miss you.

22. Death took away not just my dad, but also someone who was my unsung hero. I miss you.

23. They say a man is successful if he has lived well, laughed often, and loved much. If he gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children. You have done all of that.

24. I wish heaven had a phone so I could hear your voice one last time. Just remember, your daughter is here waiting for you.

25. Whether it is the empty spot in a chair next to mum’s or the eerily silent garage on a Sunday morning, you are missed in every way, dad. I love you.

26. He was a father. That’s what a father does. He eases the burdens of those he loves. He is a father until the end.

27. Dad, as a child, I had a million ways to annoy you. As a teenager, I had a million reasons to defy you. As an adult, I had a million opportunities to make you proud. I did all that but I missed out on the most important – a million chances to say I love you while you were alive. I miss you.

28. Talking to your gravestone and hugging your photographs – these are just some of the things I do to convince myself that you are still here. I miss you, dad.

29. Dad, I can’t put into words how heartbroken I am and how much I miss you. At this point, it’s just my tears.

30. People say that whatever happens, happens for the best. But the painful memories of your passing I’ll never be able to put to rest. I miss you, dad.

31. How can the Heavens be beautiful when they have taken away my favorite person from me? You will forever be missed, dad.

32. Dad, I haven’t been with you enough to know everything about you, but I have been with you enough to love you and miss you dearly.

33. My dad is not here, but he is watching his daughter every day from heaven. I miss him so muchd, death doesn’t change a thing because you’ve always been the angel in my life. I miss you.

34. The words you said to me will never be forgotten. The sweet love you showered on me will never be replaced, and your sweet smile will never be erased. If only there was something I could do, to see you again soon because I miss you so much

35. Life goes on. Everything changes so rapidly. But one thing remains constant always. It’s the memory of you in my mind. I keep missing you even after all these years. Love you dad!

36. Say not in grief: ‘He is no more,’ but live in thankfulness that he was. – Hebrew Proverb

Miss U Dad Quotes

37. Although our lives’ journeys have bid us to be apart, I am with you, you are with me, always in our hearts. – Carolyn Ferreira

38. You have been there for me, no matter what bad choices I might have made, you lovingly repaired my broken spirit, helped me plot a new course, and set me free to fly on my own once again. There is no greater love than that. You will always be special to me, and no matter where life takes me, I’ll remember you with love. – Marilyn K. Deacon

39. You will always be in my heart because in there you’re still alive. – Jamie Cirello

40. Dad, your memories have become my heartbeats which mean I am thinking of you all the time.

41. “This is the price you pay for having a great father. You get the wonder, the joy, the tender moments ― and you get the tears at the end, too.” ― Harlan Coben.

42. The only terrible thing about having had such a wonderful father? How hard it is to have to say goodbye and missing him every single day.

43. You were the guiding light in my life, and today, I’m especially reminded how lucky I was to have you for as long as I did. I love you to the moon and back.

44. Every day without you has been hard, but on this day especially I can’t help but think how much I wish you were here with me.

45. Dad, I’m so thankful for all the memories we shared together. I only wish you were here to make more.

46. Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. It has taken me much further than I could have hoped.

47. Every day I remember you in my prayer, in my thoughts. Your memory can never be forgotten. I love you so much, dad. I miss you.

48. Without a doubt, you were the best father a daughter could have asked for. You have taught me how to live life to the fullest and in a dignified manner. Your memory will always be with me.

49. No matter how old she may be, sometimes a girl just needs her dad. To hold her hand, to wipe a tear, to give her a hug. I wish you were still here for me.

50. I miss my dad a lot. I miss his advice and I miss his voice and I miss his hugs.

Missing U Dad

51. Happiness is the feeling that your dad is always there to guide you, even if he is in heaven.

52. Happy birthday, dad, how much I wish I could hear your voice again.

53. I miss you every second of every minute of every hour of every day. From now until forever.

54. The joy of decorating the Christmas tree has faded without you. I wish you were here to help. I miss you so much, Dad.

55. To my father, “separated by death, together by love.” Miss you.

56. As I sit here and whisper, “I miss you,” I believe somehow you can still hear me. This gives me comfort and makes the days easier.

57. Dear dad, your place in my heart will never be replaced or taken by anyone else. You always took care of me and made me feel special. You will forever be the best mentor in my life! I miss you, daddy, and hope you are in a better place.

58. It never gets easy daddy, it just gets different each day as we try to adjust to your leaving us so soon. Your cute daughter misses you so much.

59. I don’t look up to the night sky anymore as destiny has taken away the brightest star of my life. I miss you a lot.

60. There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in your heart.

61. Dad, wherever you are, you are gone but you will never be forgotten.

62. It never gets easy daddy, it just gets different each day as we try to adjust to your leaving us so soon. We miss you so much.

63. You will remain forever in our hearts and memories daddy, and though we are learning to live without you, we still miss you so much.

64. No matter how many years go by, the pain of your death never diminishes. Dad, I miss you so much.

65. Daddy, I am so sorry for taking you for granted when you were still alive. Now that you are gone forever, I regret all the wasted opportunities and wish you were still here so I could tell you how much I love you. I miss you so much.

66. You were my anchor and when you died, dad, I felt so lost. Even today, many years later I still miss you so much.

67. Whenever your birthday or other holidays come around, I feel your absence so acutely. Life has never been the same since you left daddy and we miss you so much.

68. The love you had for all of us is something we deeply miss as much as we miss your presence in our lives.

69. I wish I could turn back the clock to when you were still here daddy, I would appreciate and relish every moment with you.

70. If only you were here. Dad, I’ve been thinking about you. Our times together, your wisdom, your guidance, your love, everything. I didn’t know that life would be this empty without you. I miss you.


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